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Para Dosen FBS Unesa dalam rangka Festival Bahasa dan Seni 2022 FBS Unesa. dan turut ikut serta dalam acara FBS Carnival 2022 pada hari Minggu, 30 Oktober 2022, yang dimeriahkan oleh Ridho KDI, Alexis dan Stereo House.
JBSI Unesa students and lecturers in the framework of the 2022 FBS Unesa Language and Arts Festival. and participated in the FBS Carnival 2022 event on Sunday, October 30, 2022, which was enlivened by Ridho KDI, Alexis and Stereo House.
Pure Arts, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) Class of 2018 held an exhibition entitled Parsesa which is an acronym for the Unesa Art Exhibition. Parsesa will be held from 13-16-June 2022. They carry the theme of travesti which means parody, ridicu